How can we help?

Repair & support

How does the repair service work?

Repairs- and service needs are created with as a ticket at with a description about the issue or the question.

All physical devices are send to Embrace-mobile ApS Kildehøjvej 12 3460 Birkerød, Danmark

How quickly are my devices repaired?

Every repair is handled within 1-2 weeks.

With a premium subscription we offer an exchange service, where we send a reserve device in the repair-period.

How do I gain access to the helpdesk?

With a standard or premium licens you get access to our helpdesk via email.

With this access you can contact us in writing with your issues or needs.


Where can I learn about your EMM?

Read more about our solution to administration all your devices centrally at

Here you can read about how to use CubiLock to easily create and add software-profiles to all your devices, create work profiles and restrictions, change passwords and branding all devices with a simple click.

If you are interested in more, please request a demo at

Why is Onboarding in EMM important?

With CubiLock you can administrate every single device in your company, therefore it’s important to now the system well. We offer written and video-guides to the different features, as well as a walkthrough of the system, so you can create the optimal method for you.

What software is available from the devices by default?

Every device arrives pre-installed with some standard apps, such as calculators, games and ordinary communication apps. With Cubilock you can predefine your work-profile, so only the apps you deem necessary at installed on the phone

Extra orders

How do I order additional equipment?

All orders of new devices and accessories should be sent to Orders usually take processed and shipped within 1-3 work days.

How do I add more licenses to my agreement?
What happens when my license ends?

Your subscription doesnt end, after the bindingperiod the subscription continues until cancelled. If you decide to cancel your subscription, all devices and accessories must be returned to Embrace-mobile ApS Kildehøjvej 12 3460 Birkerød, Danmark


How’s the launch?

With a premium package, we will guide you through the optimal launch, to create the best fit for your company.

Something about testing

We get it. You want to see if our devices really is as good as we say, when the price is so low.

So please check them out, we are sure you will order more.

What kind of guidance do you offer?

All premium subscription come with a guide, videomaterial and lessons in how to use CubiLock optimally.

Do you need further assistance?

Contact Us